7. Lethbridge

Dates: November 8-9, 2014

Additional Challenges Met:
5/5 involving water/snow

2/5 without mountains

We have been so busy running around in our own circles that we decided it was time for a little driving trip together! But before we get into the trip to Lethbridge...

Although the Murder Mystery party on Friday night was not an hour away, it is totally worth sharing a couple pictures here before getting into the travel part! We borrowed some amazing items from friends, and somehow I convinced Will to wear some amazing pants! His character was a roadie and mine was a hippie in a commune. We were both so impressed by the effort everyone put into their costumes and had such a fun night celebrating a wonderful friend's 30th birthday!

In the morning, we took off for Lethbridge. My sister and her family just moved there at the end of the summer and we have been meaning to get out there ever since. Somehow we came away from the weekend without a picture of us together, but you'll just have to take my word for it :) We were welcomed into their beautiful home, fed some delicious food and had a great visit! We were able to hear all about my niece's busy active life, and enjoyed hanging out with all of the family pets! We missed seeing Chris, but hope to see him on another visit! 

When we left on Sunday, there was already some snow and lots of wind. As we slowly made our way out of the city (due to some shopping stops), the weather continued to worsen. Luckily, Will is a pro driving in all weather and we got out of there without much hassle. When we got back to Cranbrook, it was pretty clear skies and warmer weather. However, after some cupcake decorating, groceries and a Skype chat with some friends, our place was blanketed with snow. My immediate thought: "wahoo! It's beautiful!". Second thought: "uh oh, first snow day=first day of school with snow pants for my little ones with a Remembrance day assembly immediately after recess!" Should be exciting!

The Burgess Duo


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